About Dr. Huffman

Dr. Richard Huffman

Dr. Richard W. Huffman was a cum laude graduate of The Ohio State University, College of Dentistry in 1950. His internship, plus two-year active duty was served in the Dental Corps. of the U. S. Navy, as Lieutenant. Following his discharged in from the Navy in 1953 he engaged in general practice dentistry in Columbus, Ohio until 1963. 

Dr. Huffman taught at the Department of Operative Dentistry at Ohio State, was director of Occlusion, and conducted T. M. J. and Pain Clinic at the college of Dentistry. He and Dr. Regenos co-directed an extensive continuing education course in Anthological Occlusion and Oral Rehabilitation at Ohio State. Dr. Huffman’s career has included giving well over two hundred courses, clinics, and lectures at the local, state, and national level plus courses in several countries in South America and Korea. He retired in 1986 as Professor Emeritus from Ohio State University.  Then continued teaching at the Naval Base in Long Beach, California.

Honors include Clinical Instructor of the Year, Delta Sigma Delta; Odontos, Dental Year Book, dedicated for faculty recognition; honorary member, Columbia Prosthodontic Society; A.D.A.'s Council of International Relations Certificate of Recognition for meritorious service to the people of Columbia, South America, via the Cols. Dental Society. 

Professional memberships include Omicron Kappa Upsilon, Delta sigma Delta, American Academy of Crown and Bridge, American Equilibration Society, Honorary member - Colombia Prosthedontic Society, American of Operative Dentistry, Founding member of International Academy of Gnathology, American Academy of Gold Foil Operators, American Dental Association, Ohio Dental Association, Columbus Dental Association, Columbus Dental Veterans Group. 

He passed away quietly at his home in Florida, May 2, 2001.